Mobile Billboard Advertising in New York City, NY

Looking for an effective way to promote your brand in New York City? Consider LED billboard trucks from top providers like Geometria for maximum impact and visibility.

New York City Mobile Billboards by Geometria Company

At Geometria, we understand the importance of choosing the right mobile truck advertising company in NYC to maximize your brand's impact. That's why we believe that mobile digital LED trucks by Geometria are the best choice for your next advertising campaign. Here are three reasons why:

Targeted Marketing

With Geometria, we provide an effective and targeted way to reach your audience. Whether through specific routes or targeting key events, we work to ensure the right people see your message at the right time.

Customizable Designs

We believe that your message should be as unique as your brand. That's why our mobile billboard trucks in New York City can be fully customized with high-resolution graphics, videos, and attention-grabbing text. As a result, we can help you create a message that resonates with your target audience and delivers real results.

Unmatched Expertise

With years of experience in mobile advertising in New York City, we understand the industry's intricacies and know what it takes to deliver results. From choosing the right routes to designing impactful messages, we have the expertise to help you maximize your advertising investment.




  • Minimum 8 hours per day
  • Custom route
  • No requirements for AD length
  • 3 sides of truck for your AD
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  • 8 hours per day, 5 days per week
  • The route is a subject to prior confirmation
  • 15 seconds AD length (40 times per hour)
  • One place on the one truck side for your AD
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/6 months
  • 8 hours per day, 5 days per week
  • The route is a subject to prior confirmation
  • 15 seconds AD length (40 times per hour)
  • One place on the one truck side for your AD
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/1 year
  • 8 hours per day, 5 days per week
  • The route is a subject to prior confirmation
  • 15 seconds AD length (40 times per hour)
  • One place on the one truck side for your AD
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New York City Events where a Mobile Billboard can Generate High Visibility

New York City is known for its vibrant events and cultural happenings, making it a great location for mobile billboard truck advertising. Here are some events where a GeometriaLED billboard truck can generate high visibility for your brand:

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

A nationally televised parade with over 50 million viewers worldwide, making it a great opportunity to reach a massive audience.

New Year's Eve in Times Square

A massive celebration with over a million people attending each year, making it a great opportunity to generate exposure for your brand.

Tribeca Film Festival

A prestigious film festival that attracts a diverse audience of film enthusiasts, industry professionals, and celebrities, making it a great opportunity to target a specific demographic.

New York City Marathon

A major athletic event that attracts runners and spectators from around the world, making it a great opportunity to target fitness enthusiasts and sports fans with your LED truck in New York City.

Pride March

A massive celebration of LGBTQ+ rights and culture, attracting over 2 million attendees annually and providing a chance to support a cause while promoting your brand.

Fashion Week

A series of events and runway shows that attract industry professionals and fashion enthusiasts from around the world, making it a great opportunity to reach a targeted audience with your digital billboard truck.

U.S. Open Tennis Championships

A major tennis tournament that attracts athletes and spectators from around the world, providing a chance to reach a diverse audience of sports enthusiasts.

By targeting these events with our LED billboard trucks, we can help you reach your audience where they are. That way, your advertising campaign will have maximum visibility and impact.

Benefits of using Truck Advertising in New York City

At Geometria, we understand that NYC is a highly competitive market. As a result, we strive to provide our clients with unique and innovative ways to stand out. Here are some benefits of using our mobile billboard company in New York City:

  • Massive Reach: With an estimated 8.4 million people living in the city and countless more visiting daily, our LED billboard trucks can generate an enormous reach and make a lasting impression.
  • Brand Awareness: Mobile billboard advertising is an effective way to build brand awareness and increase recognition. Placing your message in high-traffic areas can help your brand become a household name.
  • Cost-Efficient: Compared to other forms of advertising, mobile billboard advertising is cost-effective and can provide a high return on investment. You can reach a large audience without breaking the bank.

Our team of experts can help you design a high-impact message that resonates with your target audience and ensures that your brand stays top of mind. With our strategic placement and customizable LED billboard trucks, we can help you achieve your advertising goals in the bustling metropolis of New York City.

Call +1 910 777 7770 for mobile digital LED trucks in New York City, NY!

Ready To Highlight Your Brand And Increase Profit?

Contact Us!

404 Broadway, 2nd floor, New York, NY 10013