Mobile Billboard Advertising in Chicago, IL

Mobile billboard advertising is an effective way to promote your brand in the bustling city of Chicago, IL. LED billboard trucks offer a unique and attention-grabbing advertising solution, allowing you to reach a large and diverse audience with customized messages and high-resolution displays.

Chicago Mobile Billboards by Geometria Company

Chicago Mobile Billboards by Geometria is a top choice for businesses looking for effective mobile billboard truck advertising in Chicago, IL. Here are three reasons why you should choose our mobile billboard trucks in Chicago:

Reason 1: Real-Time Tracking

One of the key benefits of working with Chicago Mobile Billboards by Geometria is our real-time tracking system. This allows businesses to monitor the progress of their mobile billboard trucks and see the impact of their advertising campaign in real-time.

Reason 2: High-Quality Displays

Geometria's mobile digital LED trucks are equipped with high-quality displays that provide bright, clear, and crisp imagery. This means that your advertising message will be easily seen and highly memorable, leaving a lasting impression on your target audience.

Reason 3: Flexible Scheduling

Geometria offers flexible scheduling options, allowing businesses to choose the days and hours that are most effective for their advertising campaign. This means that you can target specific events, rush hours, or other high-traffic periods to ensure maximum visibility and impact.

Our mobile truck advertising company offers unique and effective mobile billboard advertising solutions that drive results. Real-time tracking, high-quality displays, and flexible scheduling options make us a top choice for businesses looking to make an impact with their advertising campaigns.

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  • Minimum 8 hours per day
  • Custom route
  • No requirements for AD length
  • 3 sides of truck for your AD
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  • 8 hours per day, 5 days per week
  • The route is a subject to prior confirmation
  • 15 seconds AD length (40 times per hour)
  • One place on the one truck side for your AD
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/6 months
  • 8 hours per day, 5 days per week
  • The route is a subject to prior confirmation
  • 15 seconds AD length (40 times per hour)
  • One place on the one truck side for your AD
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/1 year
  • 8 hours per day, 5 days per week
  • The route is a subject to prior confirmation
  • 15 seconds AD length (40 times per hour)
  • One place on the one truck side for your AD
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Chicago Events where a Mobile Billboard can Generate High Visibility

A mobile advertising truck is an excellent way to drum up greater visibility for your business during big events in Chicago, IL. Here are some events where a LED truck in Chicago can generate a lot of attention:


This annual music festival takes place in Grant Park and draws thousands of attendees from around the world. With a strategically placed mobile billboard, you can reach a highly engaged audience and create buzz around your brand.

Chicago Air and Water Show

This popular event takes place in August and attracts thousands of spectators to the lakefront. A mobile billboard can help you stand out in the crowd and promote your brand to a diverse and engaged audience.

Chicago Marathon

This annual marathon is one of the largest in the world and draws runners and spectators from around the globe. A mobile billboard can help you reach this captive audience and generate interest in your brand.

Taste of Chicago

This annual food festival is a popular event for foodies and draws thousands of attendees to Grant Park. A mobile billboard can help you target this audience and promote your brand's products and services.

Chicago Cubs and White Sox Games

Baseball games are a popular pastime in Chicago, and a mobile billboard can help you reach fans as they head to and from the game.

Benefits of using Truck Advertising in Chicago

Truck advertising is an impactful way to get your message out to a large and diverse audience in the bustling city of Chicago, IL. Here are some additional benefits of working with our mobile billboard company in Chicago:

  • Highly Visible: With a digital billboard truck, you can reach people in areas where traditional advertising may be limited.
  • Customizable: Mobile billboards offer fully customizable advertising solutions that allow you to create a message that reflects your brand and resonates with your target audience.
  • Quick Turnaround: Mobile billboards can be deployed quickly, making them a great solution for businesses looking to promote their brand during specific events or promotions.
  • Targeted Reach: You can choose the routes and locations for your mobile billboard truck, ensuring that your target audience sees your message.

Truck advertising is a creative and effective way to promote your brand to a large and diverse audience in Chicago. With easy customization, targeted reach, and high visibility, mobile billboard trucks can help your business stand out and drive results.

Call +1 910 777 7770 for mobile digital LED trucks in Chicago!

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404 Broadway, 2nd floor, New York, NY 10013